How to list iptables rules centos

To List iptables rules in centos Linux use iptables command with -L option 

iptables -L

iptables list rules Centos

Change user Home Directory in CentOS

By default when you create a user using useradd command user's home Directory Created inside /home Directory, But we can Change the user's home Folder any time using usermod command with -d option. For example we have a user called centuser in our CentOS Server

How to add New user in CentOS Server

To add a new user in CentOs Linux we can use both useradd and adduser 

useradd command examples

to add a new user using useradd command  in the terminal type useradd followed by name of the username of the new user and enter

Linux ls Command - list directories and files in CentOS Linux

Command : ls
usage        : List files and directories in CentOs Linux and Other Distributions 

ls command use to list files and directories in Linux Operating System.