How to list iptables rules centos

To List iptables rules in centos Linux use iptables command with -L option 

iptables -L

iptables list rules Centos

Change user Home Directory in CentOS

By default when you create a user using useradd command user's home Directory Created inside /home Directory, But we can Change the user's home Folder any time using usermod command with -d option. For example we have a user called centuser in our CentOS Server

How to add New user in CentOS Server

To add a new user in CentOs Linux we can use both useradd and adduser 

useradd command examples

to add a new user using useradd command  in the terminal type useradd followed by name of the username of the new user and enter

Linux ls Command - list directories and files in CentOS Linux

Command : ls
usage        : List files and directories in CentOs Linux and Other Distributions 

ls command use to list files and directories in Linux Operating System.

How to view linux command history | linux history command in terminal

How to view Linux Terminal History

Command : history

Using Linux history Command You Can View Linux Command History in Linux terminal.
linux history command to view linux command history
Show Terminal Command History Using History Command in Linux

View Current Logged in User in Linux | Linux whoami Command

View Linux Current User

Command :  whoami 

To View Current Logged in User in Linux  you can use whoami  command in terminal in you're Linux Computer.

example whoami Command 

View linux current user linux whoami command

In example above whoami command returns user as the Current Logged In User.